The number of mentally
retarded patients who are getting care in residential institutions is minimal
about 200,000 or roughly 4% of the total. It has been estimated that it would
cost $1 billion a year to construct adequate facilities and institutions, and
provide special care in the family home for mentally retarded patients. Other
services required by the mentally retarded and their families include: (1)
diagnostic and clinical services, half of which were established in the last
decade; (2) special education for the mentally retarded, a task for which
75.000 specialized teachers are reckoned to be needed: 13> preparation of
professional personnel in many areas: i4) vocational rehabilitation (though
25% of those coming out of special classes cannot be placed): (5) parent
counseling; (6) social services and (7) research.
It would be wonderful to
put a finger on the chief causes of mental retardation and thus to get some
promise of stopping the condition. Unfortunately this is not the case: 75 to
85% of the retarded show no demonstrable gross abnormality of the brain, and
their condition must be regarded as caused by incompletely understood
psychological, environmental, or genetic factors. Only m 15 to 259' of the diagnosed
cases of mental, retardation can a specific disease entity be held responsible
(e.g. infections of the mother, brain injury during delivery particularly in
premature infants abnormal grouping of
chromosomes) Because of increased survival rates of retarded infants, it is
now held that 75% of the retarded under 6 years of age have some associated
physical disability.
It must also be conceded
that the improved and more extensive prenatal, obstetrical, and pediatric care
m the United States
in the last 20 years has brought about the survival of a great many infants who
were premature, had
handicaps or malformations, and suffered from mental retardation a frequent concomitant of such handicaps.
This fact operates to increase the number of retarded at all age levels.
According to one government estimate, unless there are major advances in
methods of prevention, there will be as many as one million more mentally
retarded persons in the United
States by 1970. Other problems for the
mentally retarded are also foreseen: for example, as machines replace unskilled
labor, which is what educable retarded children could be trained to do, opportunities
for employment will diminish.

The complex problem of America 's
mentally retarded cannot be dropped down the drain, and it will not go away.
More concern must be taken with it and for it at all levels: federal, state,
and local community. Many of the 90 recommendations of John F. Kennedy's panel
will have to be carried into operation. One of these, that might spearhead the
rest, reads as follows: "A formal planning and coordinating body made up
of all appropriate segments of the community [should be] established with the
mandate to develop and coordinate programs for the retarded."*
summary: This
chapter has been devoted to two major subjects, mental illness and mental retardation, which are related but essentially different and
separate problems. We have described mental illness as the abnormal exaggeration of personal feelings,
and we have discussed the types, causes, extent, and improved treatment of
mental illness. With psychotherapy, new drug therapy, hospitalization, and
other treatments, the outlook for the cure of those mentally ill patients who
can obtain adequate treatment is indeed good. The outlook for the
"cure" of mental retardation (once called feeblemindedness) is at
present less favorable, primarily because much less is known about the causes
of mental retardation. Nevertheless the problem is now being attacked with
vigor in the United States .
It is partially obstetric. In the next chapter we shall consider two serious
social problems which are essentially psychiatric in their origins and
management: alcoholism and drug addiction, both of which can be considered as
particular kinds of mental illness.
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