From the descriptions and
examples of mental mechanisms already given it should be obvious that hidden
struggles and conflicts within the unconscious mind create not only
psychosomatic illness but also the wide diversity of characters and
personalities we meet in real life and in fiction. Without going into the
complete details of the psychic processes involved in each, we shall give brief
descriptions of generally recognizable "stock characters" whose peculiar
behavior patterns are controlled by overworking ego defenses and mental
extrovert. He
turns to the outside world, to fierce rounds of activity, to careless and
unreflective action in order to smother his inner conflicts. "The life of
the party" is usually running away from himself.
introvert. He
substitutes thought for action. He shrinks from his social environment. He
finds decision painfully difficult. He looks too long before he leaps.
The perfectionist. He sets his goals so high
that neither he himself nor others can
criticize him for failing to achieve them.

specialist. He
chooses so odd or unique a line of endeavor that there is little competition
in it; thus he escapes the normal competitive struggle.
know it all." He covers up his inner sense of inadequacy by an attitude of superiority.
He appears too cocksure, dogmatic, and positive about his knowledge and opinions-
He knows all the answers, he thinks; but he holds only minor jobs.
Grundy. She
viciously gossips about and criticizes others to compensate for her own
feelings of inferiority. She secretly fears that, given the chance, she would
behave worse than those she criticizes.
alibi artist. He
cannot face overt criticism. He fears that others will discover and confirm
the low opinion he has about himself.
isolationist. His
unconscious mind has fashioned logic-tight compartments so that some parts of
his inconsistent, paradoxical, multiple personality are completely isolated from
others. This is the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
character. A more recent portrayal of the multiple personality is to be
found in the well-known psychiatric study entitled Three Faces of Eve.
symbolist. He
performs symbolic acts as a bribe to his superego in order to blot out or undo
even more painful thoughts lurking in his unconscious mind. A classic example
is Lady Macbeth repeatedly washing her hands in the vain hope of washing away
her deeper feelings of guilt about having instigated murder.
The fetishist. He displaces his stong feelings for a person onto a thing. Afraid to
express openly a love for a particular woman, he holds some physical symbol of
her a handkerchief, a lock of her hair in even higher esteem.
persistently looks at the world through
rose-colored glasses. She childishly denies that life includes struggle
and difficulty. Eventually she is tripped up and overwhelmed by it.

Sublimation means
directing, channelizing, and converting basic emotional drives, crude
instinctual impulses, into socially
acceptable and useful activities It is the true taming of the id by the
ego under direction of the superego. Sublimations are the most constructive
compromises and the happiest solutions to the inevitable frustrations that life
sets before us. Though difficult to achieve, they bring social reward and
approval which reinforces and strengthens the ego.
Sublimations take many
forms. Some serve for a time; others for a lifetime. The lives of dedicated men
and women scientists, artists, missionaries, and others devoted to great
causes illuminate how satisfying and creative sublimations can be Pierre and
Marie Curie, discoverers of radium, offer a lofty example of beautifully
sublimated lives. So does the life of Abraham Lincoln. The creative arts have
served man any as a means of sublimating
their inner drives and conflicts. Most commonly the making of a home and the
rearing of a family give the opportunity for the sublimation of feelings to a
most socially useful end.
Sublimation is
not entirely an unconscious process. Conscious will, thought, and effort enter
into it. One deliberately chooses realistic goals and activities which he can
step by step, in spite of frustrations and difficulties, hope to reach This is
the uphill road to sustained personal happiness the only road there is.
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